Thursday, July 15, 2010

May I have a redo please?

Today started out fabulously:

7:30am: cuddle session with the cats

8am: gentle yoga practice at home, all with the Michelin Man arm bandaging

10:30am: manicure/pedicure.

That's when it went south.

My Fantasy Day: I would've gone to see Eclipse again by myself. Then, soaked up some sunshine at the pool while reading my new book. Perhaps a walk on the beach.

My Actual Day:

11:30am: Lymphedema therapy, complete with compression pump and bandaging.

1:10pm: Check in at Radiology for the CT Re-scan of the liver. No pressure or stress there. Drank a pitcher of dye slowly for an hour and fifteen minutes, had an IV inserted into my arm and more dye poured in and then stuffed into the Scanner. This is that fun test where they inject the dye through the IV and it makes you feel like you wet your pants. Silver lining: graham crackers and orange juice.

3:35pm: Famished after fasting all morning for that test. Go to Green Hospital cafeteria. Go directly to baked goods bin. Purchase two cookies and a jelly donut. Consume in under two minutes. Not much chewing. Twenty minutes later, for some odd reason, I developed an intense tummy ache. I guess that wasn't the super-antioxidant meal I should've had. Oh well.

4:00pm: Report to Radiation Oncology in basement of Scripps Clinic. Receive my nifty removeable armband that will enable me to park for free for the next 7 1/2 weeks of daily radiation treatment. I love the VIP treatment.

The nurse weighs me and I weigh more than I ever have in my entire LIFE. Seriously. Are you kidding me? Those cookies sure registered quickly. Then, I get the scoop: the doctor isn't going to radiate my lymph nodes because that will make the lymphedema worse. And, he informs me that since the cancer in my one lymph node had only been 4mm, read TINY, that he felt comfortable radiating just my breast. It is hard not to feel saddened to know that tiny 4mm spot was the difference between the axial dissection that caused lymphedema and chemo and having the lesser invasive lumpectomy and radiation. Oh well..

Nobody can explain to me why I have to have radiation after having had chemo. Chemo was supposed to kill every microscopic cell, cancer or not, right? Isn't this a bit much to now radiate my breast 35 times?

So, more indignities followed: they mark up the area where they plan on radiating you. With magic markers and stickers. I felt like a prize cantalope at the county fair. Then, you put your arms overhead and get stuck back into yet another CT Scanner while they photograph the exact location for treatment. They also take photos with a regular camera. What the heck am I going to do when I get famous and those are leaked on the internet?!!

Next, they remove the stickers and permanently tattoo you in three different spots.
Mind you, I was not of the generation who felt compelled to get a tattoo. No desire. Ever. Now, I have a dot right in the middle of my cleavage. Great. Couldn't they do it on the boob where it could be covered up? Really? And, the tech was really sweet and trying to make the spot tiny. This kindness backfired and she had to re-poke me with the needle in two of three spots. It hurt. A lot.

I prefer Scenario #1: my fantasy day. Thank you very much.

I am very excited that tomorrow is Friday, that I have no appointments, that I get to teach my Frogs yoga class, hang out in the sun and then go to Laguna to dinner with my cute boyfriend.

1 comment:

  1. Hope you are enjoying Friday, C. How did the Frogs yoga class go? Have a delicious dinner too in Laguna!

    Let me know the results of the liver scan.

    Love, R
