Totally unrelated photo: Todd and I photo-bombing at his sister's wedding reception. It was an awesome night and I laugh hysterically every time I see this picture.
I'm so excited for the girls' trip to the desert tomorrow. Escape with three amazing, strong, beautiful women. I don't care if it rains and we end up sitting on the couch drinking champagne and eating bon-bons, oops, I mean eating wheatgrass patties. With kale chasers.
Today was 90 percent excellent. 10 percent rough.
The Excellent: sleeping in late with my boyfriend for the first time that I can recall in recent history. Lovely, relaxing morning.
Meeting my friend Nikki for breakfast at St. Tropez, one of my favorite places on earth for breakfast. She is rocking her new life in Hollywood and I'm so proud and happy for her! When she is a famous movie actress, she will bring Robert Pattinson to me. Go Team Edward.
Taught my lovely 10:35am Frogs Encinitas yoga class. Love these people!! Such great energy. Got a true workout afterwards in the Pilates studio. It felt wonderful to have a full-body workout and feel my upper body strength beginning to return. One of the pilates students left me a moving card and a bamboo, comfy throw that is the softest thing I've ever felt. Thank you Lori for the kind words(although some who've known me longer might question the wholesome and innocent description but, I'll take it!) I will bring my blankie to chemo for sure!
Next stop, Lululemon Carlsbad for a visit with the ladies and Chaz and a little retail therapy, Ambassador style. Wonderful people, bright colors, fun styles and a pair of perfect comfy soft sweatpants. I felt awesome when I left. Thanks you guys!!! Also found out that the photo proofs will be here in the next few days. I can't wait to see them.
The Rough: So, a beautiful day, right? Well, the 10 percent was really rough. It is that pesky liver spot. Dratted liver spot. Begone liver spot. Or, at least stand up and identify yourself as a birthmark for goodness sake. PET, CT and MRI and you still won't admit you are a mole or birthmark. Coward.
Scripps called to schedule my liver biopsy for Tuesday afternoon. All afternoon. Check in at 1pm for blood work. Procedure at 3pm. Sedation as they are going to go in and biopsy the liver. That is, they will if they can find it on the ultrasound/CT scan. My fear is that I'll spend the whole day there and they still won't be able to identify it or biopsy it. Now I can't teach my yoga class Tuesday night or my Pilates class Wednesday morning, just in case the sedation is still affecting me on Wednesday morning.
Simply put, it feels like more lost time that I'll never get back. I hate missing out on my life. Even though these tests are now part of my life, I just don't want it to be all of my life. Four days of next week are booked with appointments and tests and the crowning glory: chemo.
Tomorrow is vacation! Nothing to do but relax and have fun for 48 whole hours. Bring it on!
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