Nothing dramatic today. Yippee. Now, I've heard that the first 24 hours aren't bad and if you are going to hit by some fatigue or pain, it starts Days 2-4. We'll see.
I'm optimistic that I'll breeze through.
I did feel a bit nauseous when I woke up and took my steroids and the E nausea drug. I skipped my usual cup of coffee for some green tea. After a shower, Todd walked me around the neighborhood for 22 minutes. It felt great to be outside in the fresh air. I still feel like a wobbly colt but, it was nice to move. So far, so good.
Then, I headed in for a session of acupuncture prior to receiving my Neulasta shot. Once again, Lois managed to calm my stomach down in a matter of minutes. She also added a needle that is supposed to help with the negative impact on the white blood cell counts from the chemo drugs. This acupuncture is going to be my saving grace.
The Neulasta shot was sharp but short. Margarita said that possible side effects of the shot include bone pain. Let's hope I skip that. I do have enough vicodin to supply a major Hollywood premiere, just in case.
More of my mundane little day: CVS to pick up my thermometer as I now need to monitor my temperature daily. If it exceeds 100.5, I need to call the doctor. Tea tree oil for my finger nails, which may change color. I'm not sure what that means. Will they turn black? or green? Hmmmm.....not promising. I prefer Mademoiselle pink by Essie. Heavy duty moisturizer to prevent the dryness and possible flakiness that may arise. Finally, Big bottle of Biotene Dry Mouth rinse because all three drugs cause dry mouth which can result in mouth sores and stomatitis. Yes, let us avoid that. Gross. Apparently, you can't get any dental work during chemotherapy treatment.
Took a nap and Todd made me get up for Walk #2. This one was about 15 minutes but, definitely a good idea. Dinner next. Leftovers from our delicious meal from last night. Marianne: you rock! I do feel a bit queasy and took another anti-nausea pill.(not related to dinner!!):)
So, saying that the day after my first chemotherapy was uneventful must be considered a success. I consider it a victory. I'm planning on getting up and going to Rescue House for my cat volunteering session. Always great therapy! Tomorrow will be fine too.
Thanks for all the great comments. You guys are keeping me lifted up on a cloud of light and love. I'm so blessed and grateful.
So happy to hear and proud of your optisism.
ReplyDeleteGood to hear you feeling positive about chemo. Not to be a buzz kill but did you get clearance from Margarita or doc on being around cats? They maybe concerned about Toxoplasmosis.
ReplyDeleteGlad to hear that the acupuncture is working so well. Sending you a big hug!
ReplyDeleteLove, Rob