Sunday evenings always seem to be a time for reflection for me.
I just returned from a quick trip up to La-la land to see Joanna and Angie to celebrate all three of our birthdays. As always, it was wonderful to catch up and hang out with two of my best friends! I made them both try on my Solaris night sleeve so they could get a feel for my new sleeping attire. I also made them go for a walk with me in my orthopedic stocking-looking sleeve and fingerless glove. In Beverly Hills, no less. That's what friends are for, right?
Actually, I had lots of time to reflect while driving up and back. Sadly, I was not kissed by the karma fairy in the traffic department. It was nasty bumper to bumper both ways. Between the bouts of mind-numbing brake riding and careening eighty miles an hour down the highway, I managed to process some thoughts that have been circling around in my brain.
With about half of my classes on hold for the foreseeable future, I've got more time and less money on my hands. Inverse of what one would usually seek. Part of me had the knee-jerk reaction to reach out and call studios and pick up classes elsewhere pronto! Work, work, work. But, listening to my gut, I know this isn't the right thing to do. I am starting the Yoga for Cancer Recovery at lululemon this week and will be teaching that weekly for August. I want these classes to be really special and that is a primary focus.
My dance card is rather full with daily radiation field trips taking roughly two hours altogether, including driving time. Ten hours a week: that feels like a part-time job! And, another few hours working with my acupuncturist to free-up the lymph node blockage. Five to seven lymphatic self-massages a day: another forty five minutes. No wonder the thought of taking on new classes seems formidable.
Epiphany: I need to just chill out and teach my current classes until I'm done with radiation treatment. People keep telling me that I'll be exhausted the last few weeks of treatment. I already feel a weird wave of nausea/tiredness each time I've stepped off the radiation table. But, I'm taking a whole slew of new, very expensive supplements, designed to help me rebuild my immune system and battle these side-effects. I'm getting tired just thinking about it.
I'm supposed to start my first coaching class tomorrow. And, I don't feel particularly enthusiastic, which worries me. Usually, I am the big dork, sharpened pencils, new notebooks and fresh highlighters, ready to absorb new information. Especially because I believe that the coaching education will be invaluable for me in my quest to help others down the line. But, I'm just not feeling it right now. How can I do well if I'm not excited? I am notorious for acing any class that interests me and just not caring about the others. I'm seriously considering calling CoachU tomorrow and postponing everything until early 2011. My mind and heart don't feel engaged.
I really just feel like focusing on teaching yoga, developing a cool program for yoga for cancer recovery above and beyond the August series, working with City of Hope planning the landmark event Yoga for Hope and writing. I'm feeling the pull to dig out my half-finished romance novel, yes, romance novel, and completing it. It is set in Laguna Beach and I've got Laguna fresh on my mind after Todd and I's wonderful trip there last week. Azure ocean, emerald green trees and bouganvilla to spare.
We'll see what Monday brings.
You are truly amazing Claire. Sending you a ton of wishes for a successful cancer survivor program at lulu. You will rock it - inspiring others to take of themselves with yoga and compassion.
ReplyDeletehugs to you
Shauna MacKay
So great to see you Claire. I hope you feel half as rejuvenated as I feel after seeing your pretty face! too bad we didn't see a *ahem* "bougainvillea" while we were out on Sunset. ;)