Not much to say when the photos say it all.
Exhibit 1: My sleeve and lovely "Oliver Twist" fingerless glove on display in Beverly Hills with Joanna. I wish you could see it live. It is hideous, uncomfortable and hot. I cannot wait until I can say goodbye to it forever.
Exhibit 2: Ovation Cell Therapy! Grow hair, grow! So, you slather on the coconut-smelling concotion all over your scalp and leave it on for a few hours. So, I utilized the shower cap that I swiped from the Laguna B&B last week. For everyone who has asked how Todd is handling all of this: this is the Claire that he gets to enjoy behind closed doors. No wig, barely any eyebrows and a shower cap over my big bald head. Ahhhh, the romance, the beauty, the reality.
I swear that several hundred more little hairs sprouted after I rinsed off my head. I can't wait to hae a full, shiny head of hair again. Grow, grow, grow!!