I'm simply simmering with optimism today. It began with teaching a lovely class, if I do say so myself, at Bindu Yoga. The energy in this beautiful little studio is truly inspiring. Barbara, one of my students, was kind enough to run home before class to bring me some special lotion for the sad state of my skin. My chest and underarm are raw. Ouch!
I've been slathering on a variety of recommended potions, lotions and oils in what I now realize are futile attempts to not get cooked, blistered, flesh. It looks like someone held an iron against my armpit. Yesterday I had a disquieting epiphany. When I told Meredith that I was using emu oil, she asked me how the emu oil was made. Honestly, I hadn't even thought about it. Perhaps they milked the emu? or got it from the feathers? But, I had a niggling feeling that perhaps this wasn't the case.
Sure enough, when I returned home, I googled emu oil and learned that they kill the emu and obtain the oil from the fat. Oh no! I'm sorry Mr. Emu. I honestly didn't realize. Back to the calendula and the aloe.
This afternoon, Robyn from City of Hope, Stacy McCarthy the yoga guru (www.yoganamastacy.com), and I met to discuss the upcoming March 5th Yoga for Hope event that we are coordinating. It is really exciting to strategize and plan ways to create a successful, memorable inaugural event for such a worthy cause. I can't wait to firm up some of the details and involve yogis from all over San Diego.
I'm feeling so grateful for all the blessings in my life.
Time to slather on some more calendula aloe magic potion! Fingers crossed.
Oh no, poor emu...woops, I think he'll forgive since you didn't know...Way to go Mer! ~GB