San Diego weather is back! Sunny and 75. I wanted to hit the pool but, my arm was bandaged up after therapy and I just thought it might be a sweaty, messy endeavor. I wouldn't want to scare any of the kids at the pool. Imagine: the bald lady with the big pink hat and Michelin Man arm starts screaming and ripping bandages off, throwing them in the pool. They'd probably be scarred for life.
As the arm shrinks: my arm is smaller than last week. But, not as small as the week before. It was 14% larger 2 weeks ago and 21% larger last week. Scary. It is down to @17% difference. My goal is that by my birthday in 2 weeks, yes, that is right: MY BIRTHDAY IS IN 2 WEEKS FROM TODAY: JULY 28TH! I MADE IT!!
Okay, my goal is that by my birthday in 2 weeks that it is under 10%. How many times can I say that my birthday day is in 2 weeks? We are shooting for a 5-10% difference and then maintaining that. Forever. My PT also cleared me to start doing some light weights on my arms and 5 Sun Salutations. Yippee! I can do 5 Sun Salutations. On my knees and on my forearms in Down Dog. It is a start.
Tomorrow is a big day. I have PT again at 11:30 and will be compressed and bandaged when I head over for the CT-Scan from Hell. The Liver Scan. That silly spot is going to be gone, gone, gone. I figured out what it was anyways: Prom night. After the scan, I meet with the radiation oncologist to plan them frying my boob for 7 weeks. I am looking forward to tomorrow being over already and I haven't even woken up yet.
Then, a weekend of sunshine! And working out. On the road to recovery. Did I mention that my birthday is in 2 weeks?
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