Friday, July 23, 2010

Hear Ye, Hear Ye!

Breaking News from Carlsbad, California:

Attention: The Dreaded Liver Spot is Gone: Nowhere to be found. Not even a speckle. Nothing. Nada. Not a dot on the liver. We still have no clue what the dreaded spot was but, whatever it was, it hightailed itself out of my liver. Good riddance!

Oncologist concurs: "the lymphedema must feel like the straw that broke the camel's back." Well put, Dr. K, well put! She was saddened to learn that lymphedema had found me. She recognizes that this means major changes not just in my personal life but, also in my professional life. The heated yoga room is a problem. She confirmed that it is chronic and waxes and wanes for the rest of your life. Over the last three weeks: it has gone from 14.4 to 21% to 19% to 15% volume difference. Yippee. At least it is measurably smaller. I've got a ways to go before it is reduced to 5-10% difference.

New and Informed Sources offer Hope: Next week, I will be starting on a supplement called Circuberry that will help with the lymphatic system issues. I received some excellent advice on lymphedema and general rebuilding of my body post-chemo from a source in New York. Also, on Monday, I'm consulting with "the best lymphedema expert" in Colorado. This practitioner works for a clinic so won't be handcuffed by insurance and hospital restraints. I'm hopeful she will have some additional information for me besides what I'm already doing. So far, the most helpful work has been the micro-current treatment with my acupuncturist. Thank goodness for her!

Mummy Lady Sheds her Bandages!: Yes, it is true! I no longer have to bandage my arm. I have 20 minutes of each day of my life back! How is this possible? I am now the proud owner of the Solaris Night Sleeve. Now, I can put on my custom oven-mitt-like-device instead. As the bandages almost squeezed out the final vestiges of my sanity, this is fantastic news. Even though soon I won't have to wear it. I won't accept the PT's prediction of daily sleeve and nightly oven-mitt until December.

Finally! Someone has Numbers for Radiation after Chemo: Dr. K told me that there is a 35% difference in recurrence rate with the radiation. The chemo kills all the micro-cells (?) in the entire body but, isn't as effective at the surgery site for some reason. So, the radiation ensures that any rogue cells near the old tumor are killed. least it is a stat. That's what I wanted, right? I am going to go ahead with the radiation. Start it anyways.

Claire has 1825 Pills to Swallow:
Time to start the 5 years of daily Tamoxifen. So, that means more hot flashes. As I am not currently enamored of the waking up in the middle of the night sweating, this news is altogether unwelcome. Apparently, chemo has knocked me into early menopause. Not sure how I feel about that. I guess that means definitively that my parents will never have grandchildren. That is ones that are not four-legged. When I think of it this way, it feels tragic.

Life Marches On... Believe it or not, I actually had time to see friends, to teach and to see Eclipse again. And, in the interest of maintaining the facade of a normal life, I am now going to indulge in a glass of wine with my man.

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