Rollercoaster...whoo hoo hoo hoo.
Rode the Cinnamon Bun ice cream high until 1pm today.
I woke up and meditated, with the assistance of Jake and Oreo. It wasn't pretty. My mind was flying all over the place but, I persevered, observed the million thoughts per minute, and when I opened my eyes, 20 minutes had elapsed. Success. Practice and persistence. Perhaps first thing in the morning isn't the best time for me because I wake up raring to get started and that makes clearing the mind a little tough. I'll experiment tomorrow.
Drumroll....big news: I am officially registered with CoachU, the leading global provider of coach training programs! I'm enrolled and ready to start in July. I love school. I am so excited!
The program is provided via teleclasses and one of my initial classes is at 6am on Thursday mornings. For some reason, Todd finds this amusing. I taught a 5:30am yoga class for three years. 5:30 AM! I used to do Outside Sales in an "East Coast" company that didn't care about people on the "West Coast" and routinely scheduled mind-numbing conference calls at 5 and 6am. So, there is no reason why I cannot roll from bed to desk, armed with major caffeine and sit on the phone and computer at 6am. As long as Skype isn't involved, I'm safe in my Hello Kitty pajamas.
My energy took a dramatic dip this afternoon. The cats are so happy that I've seen the light about numerous daily naps. It is so weird how I can feel fine one moment and the next I absolutely must lay down. Boom, no warning. It is part of what makes me nervous about going to yoga or other classes: that I'll just zonk out in the middle. Like the Energizer Bunny. Only two weeks to my final chemo so, I expect my energy to return in July.
Just in time for Lululemon Ambassador Month! We had our first official Ambassador meeting this evening and I was thrilled to meet some of the other Ambassadors for the first time. What a line-up! From Tim Miller of the Ashtanga Yoga Center, to Shannon of Pure Barre La Costa, to Gina the Soccer Coach/Runner/PhD candidate, to Robert "Mr. Kettlebell", to Dejinira the amazing Personal Trainer and Zumba Master, it is quite a group. Add Dre, Natalie and Laura from Lulu and it was an inspiring evening. I am honored to be part of this group.
Lots of brainstorming occurred and we agreed that it was a fabulous idea for the Ambassadors and the Lululemon Carlsbad community to have a July challenge where we all get out of our comfort zones and run around taking everybody else's classes and workouts. It will be so much fun to be part of this challenge and I am sure highly entertaining to see the yogis do kettlebells and the runners get on a little zumba and and and....the possibilities are endless. I can't wait.
But, for tonight, my energy has once again elapsed.
Night night.
I continue to be inspired by your focus on all the wonderful things ahead and your commitment to wellness - yours and others! July sounds like a fantastic start to the next phase of your journey. And I look forward to crossing paths in August! ~Colleen
ReplyDeleteI love that thing about all ya'll leaving your comfort zones. Cool stuff Claire! Strong peeps, you are. Strong peep, YOU are! Love you!