Today, doomsday is ebbing away in the rear view mirror. Today, I walked on the beach with Todd and enjoyed the soft air washing over me as the waves broke on Ponto Beach. Today, the effects of Round 4 are fading. And, today, I finally felt clarity and certainty about my career direction.
My cleaning out the nightstand drawer was just the beginning. Today, I spent several hours organizing my beautiful file cabinet. New file folders, new labels with varied color magic markers, a place for everything, everything in its place. I cannot tell you how happy this makes me. I've now got my Yoga, Pilates, Fitness, Writing, Coaching, Goal Setting, Cat Rescue, and of course my Personal files all set up properly. I pared down and am now primed to move ahead.
Yes, I am a colossal dork.
But, I feel fantastic and ready to take the steps that can implement all I want to do. Whereas I've been feeling suspended since January, I now feel like I can start making some forward progress. It feels fantastic.
This cancer can have part of my time; this cancer cannot have all of my time.
You may have cancer but cancer doesn't have you.
ReplyDeleteThe reason it "feels fantastic" C, is because you're aligning with your core spirit and doing what's right for you - and the Universe is going to do everything to support you!
ReplyDeleteThat may sound drippy to some, but so what, it's true.