Let's hope my hair doesn't grow in looking like this. Scary!
Today was a vast improvement. I felt alive and engaged.
Taught two pilates group reformer classes and whipped my students into shape. It is so fun to create routines each week to challenge their bodies and engage their minds. I know they will all be thinking of me each time they walk up the stairs over the next 48 hours. Hee hee.
Enjoyed a yoga class at a studio where I've never practiced before with my friend Kirsten. It felt good to follow through on my goal to practice daily and reconnect with my body.
Taught my noon yoga class and felt inspired by my students' beautiful energy. Afterwards, I was able to catch up with my friend and fellow teacher Meredith at the always tasty Naked Cafe.
Throughout all of it, I had energy. Positive energy. Fantastic. Savoring it while I can.
Now, it is time to gear up for Round Three on Thursday. Prescriptions to fill, blood to be drawn, appointments to make. Will this be the second to last treatment or the halfway point? Four, four, four.......I can keep trying to manifest four, right?
I have my acupuncture appointments lined up. I'm convinced that the reason I haven't suffered any nausea with my chemotherapy is the skill of the talented Ms. Lois.
I am glad that even conventional Western medicine recognizes the benefits of acupuncture in cancer treatment. I am convinced that I wouldn't be handling the physical aspects of this protocol without all of the complementary therapies I'm doing.
If only acupuncture could help with the baldness.
Glad you're feeling positive energy, C!