What a great day at Yoga for Cancer Therapy teacher training! I cannot believe that the course is finished tomorrow and soon I'll be able to share what I've learned with others. It was incredibly nurturing to be surrounded by other yoga teachers, offering beautiful restorative yoga. Everyone in the class has such unique gifts and I feel like I absorbed some lasting lessons.
I did end up napping through the first hour after lunch but, the other students were kind enough to set me up on bolsters and let me snore through. Namaste.
I felt better prepared for this round and am optimistic that I won't have such severe side effects Day 4 through 6 like last time. I'm on the Claritin regime. I've got my best friend pampering me, cooking for us, generally being the Saint Megan that my father has raved about for almost, gulp, 30 years. Wow, 30 years. I'd say that is an enduring friendship. Granted, we met as toddlers. OHS class of....shhhh.
The steroids are wearing off and the headache behind my eyes is surfacing. I did attend training from 7-10 pm last night and 10-4 today, which is intense without chemo involved. I do feel relief knowing that I've taken Monday and Tuesday off and there is no pressure to do anything but recuperate.
Let's see: more good news. Patti called me and my "permanent" wig is in. The wig I've sported this past week is very blonde. Can you say Pilates Barbie? The color that we've been waiting on, Pralines n'Cream, should arrive Monday and I should have it by Tuesday. It is much closer to the color that I lost last week and I will feel less conspicuous. To be honest, I love, love, love my hat hair. I feel like a cute, spunky little surfer girl. Now that I'm tucked in for the night, I'm sporting the bald head despite looking like an alien. A coin-worthy alien, that is.
Okay, the headache is kicking in. I've taken tylenol every 6 hours but, I think it is time to keep ahead of the pain. Enter percocet. I guess this entry will end soon...I will NOT experience the bone pain of last round again.
Emotionally, this is rough. I'm so blessed to have the support of my man, my friends, my family and my extended community.
But, last night was tough. I guess it is natural to cry myself to sleep and wake up crying. It has to be healthier to release the sadness and the pain instead of trying to bottle it up. The grace and radiance I am experiencing will outweigh the negatives. I know it. Back to my same theme of walking through the darkness and not pretending it isn't what it is.
The light is at the end of the tunnel. Everyone's love and prayers are driving me toward it.
It changed me forever..for the better..the good the bad the ugly..prayers abound on this Easter's eve..i find it precious your chemo ends now..tomorrow is Easter a day of new beginnings....prayers abound, Elizabeth Williams Wooten
ReplyDeleteIm in awe of your willingness to shift from the outside world of opinions to the inside world of grace and trust. You are claiming it chica! xoxox
ReplyDeleteI hope this round is better than the last. I've gone through and read all of your blogs. You are truly amazing Claire, a beautiful soul & very inspiring in so many ways. Not to mention a fantastic writer!! Wish I was coming to YOUR class today at SFY. Can't wait to have you back next week. Big hugs. Amanda