Today was a good day! A great day! An emotional day! I cried more today than over the last week.
First cry: driving to teach yoga this morning. I was nervous. What if I forgot how? Would it feel different?
Then, my nervousness and crying jag were interrupted when some Camry nearly ran me out of my lane. I screamed at him. Ahhhh, life was back to normal. I still get Tourette's when I drive on the Interstate. It was a regular Thursday morning.
I know it is a contradiction that I teach yoga, advocating calm and peace of mind, but, I think my driving issues are primal and deep. It all goes back to my Corsican grand-pere. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.
The familiar faces and warm welcome in all of my classes today was amazing. I am so blessed to be part of this community. I remembered how to teach. I, unfortunately, could not lift my arm above shoulder height or touch my toes. Mind you, I am Gumby and have always been able to just lay my palm flat on the floor. Not today! Wow. Humbling. Now, I can really empathize with all my runner students. I can't wait to get my flexibility back.
I teach in a room heated to 95 degrees, with 40% humidity. Thus, my shirt was soaked. Luckily, my friend April was there to help me peel it off. This was the first time I had put something on over my head. And, Lululemon tops ensure that your tatas are secure. Just hard to remove when you cannot move your arm or feel your underarm. Again, for a super-independent person who doesn't like to ask for help, this is a journey. I've been dressing myself for years.
Cry #2: My ActiveX peeps brought me flowers. Beautiful flowers: nice job Arch!! It was perfect, sunny and breezy outside during our class.
My wonderful family at Lululemon Carlsbad are a host site for Garden of Eden, a local, organic farm that provides fresh produce. They were kind enough to donate a shipment to me this week. I am overflowing with veggies and fruit! Fabulous.
Here's the catch: my old nemesis, the KALE, was on top. Luckily, there are two small bunnies who live on my cul-de-sac. I left the special treat out for them. They were very pleased. I bet there will be an extra lift to their hop tomorrow.
The second catch: I didn't know what half of the vegetables were!! Seriously!!
Lettuce: check.
Spinach: check.
Oranges, lemons, avocados: check.
Here's where things got sticky:
Mysterious small reddish-purple carrot looking things--NO idea.
More mysterious reddish-purple carrot looking things with what looked like chard attached--WHAT???!!!!
Some type of fresh herb--HUH????!!
Luckily, Lauren called to educate me. Reddish carrot things are indeed carrots!! Other reddish things are beets, herb is oregano. Who knew what they actually looked like? Very excited to try them!!
Cry #3: Spoke to Julian today. We had another discussion about chemotherapy and I must say, he is very convincing. I'm still waiting to see how I feel after meeting with two different oncologists and receiving answers to all of my questions about treatment scenarios. I couldn't help crying again.
Maybe they won't tell me I have to do it. That would help my dilemma about needing a touch-up for my highlights. Could be a moot point.
You really thought you'd forget how to teach and touch the lives of your students?!?!?! Come on now girl, You're the MASTER instructor (and today was no different)! don't u dare let this take your confidence. NO, I won't allow it! YOU ROCK!!!
ReplyDeleteKeeping you in my prayers! No tears, just smiles. Love you!
Claire you amaze me! so positive, so optimisitc, so content with all the wonderful parts of your life. such an inspiration. can't wait to see you again! sending you lots of love and support over the oceans between us!
claire-i know what its like to not teach for a week or two then go back- I too wonder then- do I still remember how to do this- then just as natural as breathing it all comes back. I cried a lot yesterday too. Bobbys little friend Bens dad died in a motorcyle accident and I grieve for Kathy (his wife) and Melanie and Ben. and for you and for all others who are suffering. Man thats a lot of tears. This yoga stuff is teaching me way too much compassion!
So glad that you are back to teaching--gift to yourself, gift to so many others! Maybe we can get lulu to make a zip up leotard. Remember those? So hot.
ReplyDeleteI'm happy you're teaching again, C.
ReplyDeleteWhen I arrive there next week, I'm going to cook you up a mess of delicious kale - Chef Robert guarantees you will become addicted!