Today is definitely a "Why Me?" kind of day. I am looking forward to having these days behind me. It is pretty tough.
The drain is leaking and I'm now sporting Outfit #3 of the day. Because I had soaked through the ace bandage the doctor wrapped me in, I sent Todd out to get the previously recommended hideous sports bra.
Let's try to find some positive: thanks for all the wonderful messages, calls and emails. You are amazing. Thanks Steve and Carol for the beautiful flowers, thanks Kim for more beautiful flowers, thanks Jessie for the Emerald Bliss sans wheatgrass (much better!) and chocolate covered strawberries, thanks Zoe for your love, empathy, support and having a daughter that is a girl scout. Thanks Anni for setting me up with your healer in LA. Most of all, thanks to Todd for playing nursemaid to a miserable patient.
Please keep calling and writing.
My sister and dad are coming to visit on the 23rd and I am so grateful for the opportunity to see them. I hope my brother can come too.
I wish I had a fast-forward button. I want to know my exact treatment protocol, my completion date, how, when, what, why. Methinks I need to go day by day. God give me the strength to do this.
"God, you have given the blessings of medicine and those who capably use it. The recent diagnosis is not easy to accept, but please work through the hands of our earthly healers to restore Claire's health. I thank You that she knows the cause and has undergone surgery at your watchful hand. Give her the strength to bear whatever comes her way, and grant her a speedy recovery. Send her the Spirit so that she may entrust body and soul into Your loving hands. Amen"
ReplyDeleteI don't think there is any way to answer your "why me" questions! I am so sorry you're going through this, but offer you all the strength and love I can provide!!
Sending you positive energy 24/7, C
ReplyDeleteLove, Rob
I love you, Claire! Praying that this too, shall pass (and quickly) and you will be back to 100% (or more) soon. Thank goodness for cats. Love you always! Camaroo
ReplyDeleteP.S. If you need to chuckle about something, remember "Turn around....bright eyes..."
You are born to write! The topic kind of brings you out with nothing to hide so that a person like me can feel your soul experience. You are so funny and clever while the truth remains. Thank you for being so open with your pain and revelations. I have a Claire alter set up to send you healing energy throughout the day. PLEASE keep writing! It is really a gift to share your journey and hear what it is like to be you right now, graceful...poignant....beautiful Claire. Great big hug. I am here for ya. Rana