Okay, I guess this is part of the rollercoaster ride. Upon waking this morning, I could feel it: not going to be one of my energetic, adrenaline filled days. Yesterday was a flurry of Pure Barre (ouch!) and consuming an amazing book given to me by a colleague and friend about Natural Medicine and Cancer. It is fantastic. I liked it because it discusses using both natural/holistic methods in combination with medical treatment. I’ve received a great deal of well meaning advice about how to treat my cancer. All I can say is that this is not the time for me to rub herbs on my boob, chug kale shakes and hope the lump goes away. I want the lump gone. Period. Out of me. And, I will eat super, super clean too.
Bad morning appointment. Bad, bad, bad. I went alone to see the Radiation Oncologist today. Now I understand why everyone told me to always bring someone with you to the appointments. Lesson learned.
The doctor told me that based on the MRI from Friday (yes, me in tennis shoes, gown, face down with boobs in slots and a big headset), the cancer is Stage 2 because of the size. He says it is 3cm, not 1.6cm. Double what showed up on the ultrasound. Now normally, we Southern Californians see the bigger the better in the bosom region. Not for this one. There are also a couple teeny little "satellites" near the big old lump.
A newer test, the BSGI, the “97% accurate test” is tomorrow. This, again, may show if there are teeny little lumps that didn't show up on other tests. We looked at my prior mammograms and although you cannot see it from September 2009, he thinks it was there, just hidden by the dense tissue. How reassuring....
The appointment with the surgeon, Dr. Kurtzahls, is Wednesday 2:45pm and I guess we will be scheduling my lumpectomy at that time. I imagine it will be in the next few weeks. Then, you wait 4 weeks before radiation starts. That is 7 weeks.
They told me I get a free boob lift out of this. No questions asked. Silver lining.
I look forward to wed. Hopefully the silver lining in your week of "appointments" is that some of them are in the company of friends.